[Spambayes] Feature request Mark all unsrue mesages as spam

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sat Dec 6 16:28:53 EST 2003

[John A. Peters]
> I find that I only have to train on the unsure list of messages.
> Usually all of them are spam.
> It would be easier if there were a button that would indicate that
> the whole list is spam.
> Then if there were any that were not spam I could un click the radio
> button

It's unclear which flavor of SpamBayes you're using, but since most people
here write about the Outlook addin, you should know that you can hit Ctrl+A
to select all the msgs in a folder.  You can then mouse Ctrl+LeftClick to
deselect individual ones.  Together, that's faster and more flexible than
adding a dozen new UI gimmicks unique to the addin (Ctrl+A and
Ctrl+LeftClick work in almost all Windows apps, Outlook included).

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