RES: [Spambayes] n-way in outlook?

Tiago Estill de Noronha TiagoTiago at
Mon Dec 1 12:50:27 EST 2003

Thanx for the answer

Tiago Estill de Noronha
TiagoTiago at

-=> -----Mensagem original-----
-=> De: spambayes-bounces at 
-=> [mailto:spambayes-bounces at] Em nome de Skip Montanaro
-=> Enviada em: domingo, 30 de novembro de 2003 20:15
-=> Para: Tiago Estill de Noronha
-=> Cc: spambayes at
-=> Assunto: Re: [Spambayes] n-way in outlook?
-=>     Tiago> have some1 made a n-way classification code for 
-=> using with the
-=>     Tiago> outlook plugin?
-=> Not that I'm aware of.
-=>     Tiago> or does the nway code on the contrib folder 
-=> works on outlook? 
-=> Nope. is just a simple demo I wrote.  Since I'm 
-=> not an Outlook user, I made no attempt to make it work with 
-=> Outlook.  After playing with it a bit, I'm not convinced 
-=> it's good enough for anything but experimental use.
-=> Skip
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