[Spambayes] SpamBayes Stopped Working on XP Pro Workstation

Russ Bohn RBohn at solution-pros.com
Fri Aug 29 17:15:43 EDT 2003

I have installed version 003 of Spambayes on a Windows XP machine running Outlook 2000 in the  early July timeframe. Spambayes was doing its job great until this week when it just "froze".

It stopped filtering and one cannot access either the "delete as spam" toolbar button, nor the "Spambayes" toolbar button.

First Resolution to the problem...
I installed version 007 of the Outlook Add-in over the top of Spambayes since I was told from emails I received from the Spambayes email group, it did not make any difference whether one uninstalled or installed over the top of Spambayes to "fix" the problem.

Installing 007 did not work. Neither toolbar will do anything, i.e, delete a message as Spam, and  it will not allow you to go into the Spambayes "function" button. It is not filtering Spam.

Attached is the log file of the last day Spambayes worked on this computer, which was 8/26.
The log for today (Spambayes1.log) just showed that "Spambayes was registered", I assume this was from the 007 install over the top of the existing 003 program.

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