[Spambayes] Re: GroupWise 6/6.5 and spambayes

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Aug 28 00:22:30 EDT 2003

[Marshall Pinkston]
> Will this run on a Windows platform where Novell's GroupWise is the
> email client.

I haven't heard of anyone using spambayes with GroupWise, and don't know
whether it's feasible.  From what I remember of my days using GroupWise, it
was difficult to get it to interact with external programs.  The spambayes
pop3proxy approach *should* work with just about any email client, though.
If "pop3proxy" doesn't mean anything to you, ask an internal IT person to
look into it.

> Our legislators are drowning in spam and missing important msgs. from
> consituants.

Then they should use the time they save from not seeing those important
messages to craft stronger anti-spam legislation <wink>.

Have you read the following page?  If not, you should:


Based on what Novell says there, I'm confident that GroupWise 6.5's built-in
"junk mail handling" is approximately useless.  I expect they agree, since
they go on to give links to 11 third-party spam products claiming to work
with GroupWise.

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