[Spambayes] Help...we are using Outlook Express

Ryan Malayter rmalayter at bai.org
Wed Aug 27 22:26:56 EDT 2003

From: Cheryl Runquist [mailto:cheryl at sonsoftennessee.com] 
> Any suggestions?  We are becoming desperate.

Yours is not a spam problem. Spambayes will not help you.

1) Patch all of your systems by going to www.windowsupdate.com and
installing everything it lists as critical. This will take hours. Turn
on automatic updating on Windows 2000 and XP machines.

2) Purchase a good anti-virus software package (one that includes mail
scanning) for every machine, install it, and keep it up to date. I
suggest www.antivirus.com, but there are many others.

3) Get a firewall appliance for your corporate internet connection or
use a software firewall on each machine. Block all inbound traffic from
the internet.

4) Get an ISP that has some hint of a clue about how computers work.

*If you're unwilling to do the above, unable to afford it, or unable
figure it out, then your organization doesn't have the resources (people
or money) necessary to run Windows in a business environment. If that's
the case, I suggest you gain expertise in Linux or another free OS, and
learn to live with its quirks, or turn off your computers and use
pencils and paper.


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