[Spambayes] alternatives to spambayes

Aaron aarontay at mochamail.com
Wed Aug 27 21:11:33 EDT 2003

On 26 Aug 2003 at 20:29, spambayes at kaishaku.org wrote:


> Does spambayes have any competition which is as accurate? I am willing to
> consider commercial alternatives and require Windows support.

Asking on a mailinglist specially developed to a certain software for alternatives to said 
software is usually not a good idea :) Espically, so when asking for commercial alternatives!

Well, I'm a user of Popfile and have used K9, [both free, the former is open source] both are 
popular (perhaps the most popular bayesian filters currently? ) and are very accurate. 
Spambayes fans will of course claims spambayes is more accurate (well popfile is accurate 
enough for me at 99.5%) and point out that neither has a "unsure" classification.

> An added benefit would be allowing me to have or run multiple classification
> databases where 'spam' in one might not have been classified as 'spam' in
> another. Or even allowing me to name the classifications as 'not thing' and
> 'thing' as opposed to just 'not spam' and 'spam'.

Popfile, allows you to train your email into several categories. For example, you might train 
popfile to recognise Spam, Work, mailing list, family. (That is close to my setup)

Others have tried using even more classifications, Spam, adult spam, etc... Accuracy drops 
the more classifications you use of course.

> I have seen the list of spam filtering software, and have seen a ton more
> through google, but I am looking for informed personal advice.

Another option would be The windows port of Spamassasin, SAproxy, which primarily uses a 
sophiscated rule scoring base. There is also a bayesian portion, but it's hard to do training.

Spampal- Uses Open relay blacklists, but there is also a bayesian plugin available.

I havent tried the others, but popfile and k9 is probably worth a look.

> -kaishaku
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