[Spambayes] Need to retrain SpamBayes

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Aug 27 12:45:34 EDT 2003

> How can I remove my current SpamBayes training corpus so I 
> can retrain?

If you're using the Outlook plug-in, then delete the
default_bayes_database and default_message_database files in your data
directory (FAQ 3.6 explains where this is).  Or you can just use the
"retrain from scratch option" (with empty folders if you want to wipe it

If you're using one of the other apps, you probably have a file called
hammie.db, and maybe one called spambayes.messageinfo.db.  Delete both
of these.  If you're using pop3proxy or imapfilter, the configuration
page will help you find them (at the bottom of the page).

=Tony Meyer

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