[Spambayes] Confused about the difference between SpamBayes (withOutlook Plugin) and Inboxer

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Aug 25 13:28:11 EDT 2003

> Would there be any reason for me to use Inboxer instead of 
> SpamBayes with the Outlook plugin?  I understand that Inboxer 
> offers a whitelist feature, but if SpamBayes algorithms are 
> really as sound as I've heard, then this shouldn't really be 
> necessary, right?

It really depends one how much you like whitelists.  Certainly in the
opinion of the SpamBayes developers, you will get better results with
SpamBayes than SpamBayes-with-whitelisting.

> Aside from ease of installation, are there any other 
> advantages to Inboxer over SpamBayes?  I'm willing to fork 
> over some cash if I have good enough reasons to do so :)

This is probably a better question to ask the InBoxer folks (even given
that they have a vested interest), since most (AFAIK) of us haven't
actually used InBoxer.  It may very well look prettier, be easier to
install, and easier to use, but apart from the whitelisting, it should
give the same results.  The next release of the SpamBayes Outlook
plug-in will have many improvements in ease-of-use, though, so I don't
know how much ahead InBoxer is there.

InBoxer presumably offers better support, too, since it most likely
doesn't rely on volunteers answering questions to this list :)

> Oh, and yeah, I did check out Inboxer's site and attempted to 
> Google comparison info, but came up blank.

InBoxer is probably too new to be able to do this.

=Tony Meyer

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