[Spambayes] RE: [SPAM] Another SpamBayes question

Bill Yerazunis wsy at merl.com
Sat Aug 16 12:18:49 EDT 2003

   From: Peter Beckman <beckman at purplecow.com>

   On Sat, 16 Aug 2003, Meyer, Tony wrote:

   > > What I'd really like is if there was some way of setting up
   > > my mail system (Exim and procmail), so that when a spam gets
   > > detected, spambayes causes Exim to hang the SMTP connection
   > > (or drip-feed a response), and cause the spammer's box on the
   > > other end to hang for a couple of minutes.

    Don't forget that some spammers use legitimate SMTP servers to send spam;
    if someone sends spam from a shared server, you could be preventing tens,
    hundreds or even thousands of users from sending their legitimate non-spam
    email.  More importantly, doing so could make an ISP consider it a DOS
    attack, call YOUR ISP, and get YOU kicked off.

Um, how could passively hanging a connection _initiated by the other side_
be considered a DOS attack?

Sure, if *I* initiated the connection, it might be DOS, but these are
_incoming_ connections from the other site.


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