[Spambayes] cat multiple emails to hammiefilter.py -- OK to do?

Peter Beckman beckman at purplecow.com
Thu Aug 14 13:25:31 EDT 2003

I use pine.  I use the "Mark as Selected" feature to mark all of the spam I
get in the morning (which is much less since the training began).

Then I hit "(A)pply to Selected", then the "(|) Pipe", and pipe them ALL to
dccproc -t many | hammiefilter.py -s.

    ASIDE: DCC is Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse, and (for those who
    don't know) keeps track of checksums of emails and counts of those
    checksums to see when email is bulk (multiple copies sent to multiple
    DCC users increases the count, until the count is simply "many", which
    the site admin determines).

I believe that ALL emails are catted and piped to the command, one after
another, with no mbox "From " lines.

Does this cause problems with hammiefilter.py?  It works, but does it train
properly, or do I need to run hammiefilter.py on each message individually?

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at purplecow.com                             http://www.purplecow.com/

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