[Spambayes] Probabilities based on account?

Øyvind Repvik oyvind at repvik.net
Tue Aug 12 15:48:54 EDT 2003


  I'm sorry if there is something I've missed, but I got an idea that I
consider bright :)
What about setting probability based on what account the mail was recieved
on? I have seven or eight mail-addresses, some of which I've managed to
avoid spam on (so far), and some that has a signal to noise ratio that is

Is there something I'm missing here? Is there a good reason that I cannot
assume that "since that mail came through my whatever at mydomain.com address,
it's *probably*, but not guaranteed spam", and vice versa, "that mail came
through my legitimatemail at stillmydomain.com, so it's improbable that it's
spam, although not entirely impossible"?

Or is there some way I can do this already?

Sorry if I haven't rtfm'ed enough, I only have limited net access.

Btw, I'm using Outlook 2k on Win 2k atm. Haven't gotten my gentoo box up and
running yet.
Thanks for a great product :)

Sincerely yours,
Øyvind Repvik

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