[Spambayes] Clicking on Spambayes Manager does nothing

Anderson, Roger roger.anderson at netapp.com
Mon Aug 11 12:00:42 EDT 2003

SpamBayes Outlook Addin (beta), version 0.4 (July 2003) starting (with
engine SpamBayes Beta2, version 0.2 (July 2003))...
On Windows version 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 1)
I have been using Spambayes for a month or so and have really enjoyed
Last week I was traveling and only had access to a 21K modem line.  I
had a large number of emails to process.  Outlook appeared to hang.
When I rebooted it mentioned a problem w/ Spambayes(don't remember what
it said).  I disabled Spambayes.  
I can not get it to start again.  It is not running after I start
Outlook and now when I select Spambayes Manager from the tool bar,
nothing happens.
Appreciate any advice anyone might have.
I am attaching the log file that I believe is the one before I started
having problems.
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