[Spambayes] does SpamBayes work with Outlook Rules Wizard ?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Aug 10 21:25:10 EDT 2003

    >> > Is there any way to guarantee that spammy runs before any rules?
    >> No :(

    David> Too bad. Maybe a proxy agent between Outbloat and the mail server
    David> is the answer.

Actually, if you want something to run before Outlook, use pop3proxy or
imapfilter.  The interface is web-based, so it's obviously not going to be
tightly integrated with Outlook, but it's functional.


Another possibility might be to combine the best of the Outlook and the
pop3proxy.  When Outlook starts, you could fire up a proxy (like the core of
pop3proxy) and reconfigure Outlook to get mail from the proxy and the proxy
to get mail from the real POP server, restoring the POP3 settings upon exit.
The user interface would still be embedded in Outlook, but would control the
proxy via XML-RPC.  This would separate the UI from the proxy engine
completely, allowing the proxy engine to be reused with plugins for
different mailers.



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