[Spambayes] spambayes scoring

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Aug 11 13:04:21 EDT 2003

> Anything with a score of 90 or greater is called "Spam".
> When I look at the score of Spam emails, I get scores of 1 or so.
> Why is the scoring so different?

Do you mean that the scores you see don't match with those in the "Show
clues" information?  If so, what you are probably seeing is a bug that
was introduced in the 006 version.  If you are using this version, you
should definitely upgrade to the new 007 version, which fixes this bug.

Do you mean that there is a difference between a score of 1 and a score
of 90?  The 90 is a percentage, so actually means a score of 0.9.

=Tony Meyer

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