[Spambayes] Discard by default

Bill Yerazunis wsy at merl.com
Sat Aug 9 21:24:33 EDT 2003

   From: io219 at comcast.net

   Can I easily make the web interface radio box default to 'Discard' for HAM
   instead of 'Ham'. I want to do this so I don't have to go through every HAM
   message and look for possible SPAM to reclassify, and so I don't have to
   click Discard for all of them because I don't want my database to have what
   would end up being a 1:100 ratio between trained spam to ham...

   I don't know that half-html half-pymeld code very well at all and
   cannot even find some generic strings I see on the web GUI in the
   Python source.

The fact that /ham/ matches the string /spam/ is why I don't use
the term "ham" in my stuff.

It's either 'spam' or 'good'.

     -Bill Yerazunis

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