[Spambayes] Troubleshoot question re: Outlook Plug-In...

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun Aug 10 09:40:29 EDT 2003

> Here's my ISSUES:
> 1)      The Outlook Plug-in has never been able to
> auto-detect and move spam
> from my "Hotmail" Inbox to the Spam box.
> 2)      Spam column percentages only display in my "Personal
> Folders" Spam
> box;
> a.      Percentages do not display in Spam column for other boxes.

Please upgrade to version 007 of the plugin.  This fixes a bug when
processing Hotmail mail.  Note that your hotmail items will still be unable
to save the Spam score, and hence it will not show in the 'Spam' column -
but it should still be able to filter these messages, and show you the spam
score via the "Show Spam Clues" feature.


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