[Spambayes] message.py msgInfoDB import side effects are trouble

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Sat Aug 2 00:09:02 EDT 2003

> I don't need to use the persistent features of the message.Message class.
> However because message.msginfoDB is created when the message module is
> imported, there's no easy way for me to stop the creation of the unused
> spambayes.messageinfo.db file

Note that the message info database is (as the code comments indicate) really unfinished.  Tim S started work on this but didn't manage to get it finished before he had to move on to other (non-Spambayes) stuff, and Mark, who inspired ;) the idea, has been very busy with the OL plug-in, which doesn't (currently) use the message module.  The ideal solution is to create code that implements it as intended ;)

> What's the best way to clean up this "side effect of importing"?

I don't know about best, but the easiest way would be to just have a copy of the message module that doesn't do this (i.e. edit it out of your copy of the file).  If you're not using it, it won't do you any harm.
=Tony Meyer

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