[Spambayes] YAIP (Yet Another IMAP Problem)

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Apr 24 12:57:33 EDT 2003

> You know, I can always change ISPs if it'll make things easier...
> It just frightens me that someone else will start testing 
> this, and find that *their* server does things differently too!

That's definitely not the solution!  As long as you're willing to keep
on with the testing, this is what we need.  We'll have tested with four
different servers (NetMail, Courier, the one you are using, and the one
David is using) once we're done, so hopefully that will cover most of
the variations possible.

As long as the server is following the RFC, then it's up to us to fix
the problem.  If we get a server that's bending the rules, then we'll
see what we do :)

=Tony Meyer

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