[Spambayes] I thought pop3proxy only kept 7 days' worthofmessages...?

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Thu Apr 3 17:05:37 EST 2003

4/3/2003 5:02:36 PM, "Meyer, Tony" <T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz> wrote:

>> > > Am I wrong, or is there a bug here somewhere?
>> > I shutdown my PC each night, and restart the next day. 
>> > That's not doing the purge...
>By any chance, are the messages that aren't being purged in the unknown
>cache (i.e. messages that have not been trained)?  Pop3proxy currently
>doesn't purge these - only the spam and ham caches.
>I understand why it would be good to keep these around to train on, but
>not in the case where a user is satisfied with performance and not doing
>any training.
>Anyway, unless anyone speaks up soon (or TimS finds an actual bug
>somewhere (yeah right <wink>))

TimS won't be finding any bugs until sometime tomorrow when he gets back 

> then I'll change pop3proxy to purge all three.

Another +1

>=Tony Meyer

c'est moi - TimS

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
  those who understand binary,
  and those who don't.

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