[Spambayes] RE: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes Options.py,1.39,1.40tokenizer.py,1.45,1.46

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 17:55:43 -0500

    Tim> [Skip Montanaro]
    >> allow users to disable the long word skip tokens (e.g "skip:c 70")
    >> under the assumption that people who do receive mail which contains
    >> attachements will be penalized.

    Tim> Skip, what is your reasoning here?  We ignore attachments entirely
    Tim> unless they have text/* type.  I don't see what skip tokens have to
    Tim> do with this.

Well, now that you mention it, I'm just a touch confused.  Maybe the message
which got hammered by those tokens couldn't be parsed by the email package
so the entire body got interpreted as text?

I added these options a week or so ago:

    # If true, the first few characters of application/octet-stream sections
    # are used, undecoded.  What 'few' means is decided by octet_prefix_size.
    check_octets: False
    octet_prefix_size: 5

though I currently have check_octets set to False.  I'm rerunning my tests
with it enabled to see how it works.

    Tim> Besides, I named those tokens after you <wink>.

I didn't mention it before, but I've already updated my resume to reflect
this latest award... <wink back>
