[Spambayes] Spam vs time-of-day

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon Oct 28 18:41:45 2002

> The Date header reflects local time at the spammer's box, right?
> Could it be local time on a box to which the spammer connects to send
> his mail?  And would that box necessarily have the same local time?

Barry may know; I don't.  I have to suspect that the answer is "it depends
on the mail client".

> In the graph, is there a difference between the narrow black bars and
> the slightly wider blue/gray bars with black outlines?

No, there are six vertical bars per labelled hour (one for each of Skip's
144 10-minute buckets), and I don't know why Excel decided to color some
differently.  Under a magnified view, it appears that it tried to make them
strictly alternate, but every now and again put two blue ones next to each
other.  I may have left some X-axis minor-tick display option set to an
unfortunate value, as the instances of doubled blue bars appear to be
more-than-less regularly spaced.