[Spambayes] Mining the headers

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Sun Oct 27 04:37:58 2002

[Skip Montanaro]
> I've had three other options knocking around locally which
> haven't seemed to help or hurt when applied to my collections:
> mine_date_headers, generate_time_buckets, and extract_dow. The first
> controls overall attention to the Date: header.  The second generates
> tokens like time:12:3 (the third six-minute bucket of the twelfth hour).
> The third generates tokens like dow:0 (Monday).  Should I check them
> in to see if they are useful for other people?

Of course.  Please do.  Note that many state governments have agreed to give
you an extra hour tonight to do this <wink>.

>  (I seem to have a bit different fp & fn results than others.)

Actually, unless things have changed dramatically, you get worse results
than everyone else combined.  That still lacks an explanation.  Have you
tried chi-combining yet?