[Spambayes] CL2 results

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 15:13:14 -0500

    >> Also, turns out I had a lot of zero length message files that came up
    >> as false negatives.. I've rm `find -empty` and rebal..

    Tim> How *should* empty msgs be treated (that's a question for
    Tim> everyone)?  When there's nothing to go on, it's hard to decide
    Tim> <wink>.

Well, even empty messages will have headers.  Sounds like Brad's files were
truly zero-length, that is, not really mail messages.

(I suspect this response is kind of late for this thread.  I'm still working
through mail problems on my new computer, so this will also serve as a test
to see if it makes it out and back...)
