[Spambayes] Important information for Outlook users

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Tue Nov 26 09:25:35 2002

From: Moore, Paul 
> As I said, no time to do much more now. I'll do a full retest of all
> this tomorrow.

Right, I did a complete rebuild of everything - effectively, clearing
out all traces of the addin as best I could, and then installing from
scratch like a new user. (I trained on existing spam and ham, rather
than starting from an empty database).

Here's my log of what I did...

---- Start here ----

Unregister addin
Delete fields twice, to ensure 0 fields deleted second time
Delete directory
Copy in new version
Register addin
Start Outlook
Move 51 new mails to Unsure folder (temporarily)
Train on Inbox and Spam folders
385 ham, 999 spam
Moved new mails back
Define filters, but don't enable yet
Outlook has Spam columns in Inbox, Spam, and Unsure
   - first in Spam shows "0%", first in Inbox shows "0" (?!)
   - the one in the inbox came in while I was training...
Filter now, all messages, Inbox and Spam, only score.
Inbox showing as numbers. Spam as %.
Filter unread (51 msgs) performing all actions.
42 spam, 9 good, 1 unsure. Look reasonable.
Unsure folder is showing Spam field as a number, not a %.
Delete unsure message as spam. Field shows as a % in spam folder.
Enable filtering, and wait and see how it goes...

Trace log:

Collecting Python Trace Output...
Outlook Spam Addin module loading
SpamAddin - Connecting to Outlook
Created new configuration file 'C:\Applications\Spambayes\Outlook2000\default_configuration.pck'
Either bayes database or message database is missing - creating new
Bayes database initialized with 0 spam and 0 good messages
Checked 386 in folder Inbox - 385 new entries found.
Checked 999 in folder Spam - 999 new entries found.
AntiSpam: Watching for new messages in folder Inbox
AntiSpam: Watching for new messages in folder Spam
Training on message -  trained as spam
Training on message '' -  already was trained as spam


The only real issue specific to me (Exchange) here that I can see
is that mail arrived *during* the training process. I can't stop
that happening (working offline breaks all sorts of things, and
Exchange delivers mail as it feels - there is no "get mail on
request only" facility).

Otherwise, I see no reason why the Inbox and Unsure folders should
show the Spam field as numbers rather than as percentages.

I've left it for now - I can, I assume, delete and recreate the field
as a percentage in the Field Chooser, but I don't want to change
anything that might provide evidence :-) Filtering seems to be OK,
working on the "real" values rather than the formatted ones (if you
see what I mean - the *100 factor isn't mucking things up).

One good thing, this time I got a much better result than yesterday.
I think that deregistering the addin before deleting the fields was
the key here, based on what Mark said about the field being created
when the addin starts up...

Hope this helps,

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