[Spambayes] Guidance re pickles versus DB for Outlook

Neale Pickett neale@woozle.org
Tue Nov 26 05:25:54 2002

So then, Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> is all like:

> [Tim Stone]
> > ZODB sounds ideal to me

> It's a big pile of additional code, though.

That's the issue I have with it.  It *is* ideal for this project.  But
it's a good deal of additional code to install.  For instance, I
couldn't package spambayes for Debian at all, because Debian's ZODB is
for Python 2.1, but spambayes uses generators from Python >= 2.2.

If ZODB were part of Python, that'd be something else.  But I don't
think that's a good idea either.  You can only include so many batteries
in a thing before the batteries outweigh the thing itself.  And anyway,
I hardly expect spambayes to have any weight on what to do with the core
Python distribution.


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