[Spambayes] New web training interface for pop3proxy

François Granger francois.granger@free.fr
Mon Nov 25 15:39:57 2002

on 25/11/02 12:38, Moore, Paul at Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com wrote:

> From: François Granger [mailto:francois.granger@free.fr]
>>>  Or would it be worth
>>> specifically looking for pybsddb, and using that in preference if it
>>> is present?
>> Since it use anydbm, you can copy lib/anydbm.py in your spambayes folder
>> and modify  the line 51:
> That looks reasonable, as a workaround at least. I'll try that.

Beware, since that, I discovered that it uses dbhash explicitly

I modified:

  dbdict.py line 59 and 94 to force it to use anydbm.

And this seem to work.
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