[Spambayes] LJ article

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn@whidbey.com
Thu Nov 21 09:44:44 2002

Brad Clements wrote:

> On 20 Nov 2002 at 16:49, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > If you're interested, write to Don Marti <dmarti@ssc.com> for
> > details.  DON'T WRITE ME!
> Perhaps you should also post on this list if you write to Don .. ?
> --

Okay, here's what I sent to Don:


I haven't done a lot of published writing lately, but I used to write a
lot for Byte and a flock of lesser-known magazines (most of which are
dead and gone now) and I think I still know how it's done. I have been
reading the bulk of the Spambayes mailing list for several weeks anyway
(there were just under a hundred susbscribers when I joined, if that
gives you a time frame).

Please let me know what the time frame, word count, deadline, and
compensation are and I can be more specific about what I think I could
do and how I would approach it.


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