[Spambayes] Outlook weirdness

Sean True seant@iname.com
Wed Nov 20 14:53:13 2002

> [PAUL] Outlook has two exit options "Exit" and "Exit and log off". I've
> quite understood the difference, but I wonder if what you're seeing is
> related - Outlook finishing, closing down the UI, but then remaining
> for ages in the background while the addin saves the pickles and
> tidies up. This would also tie in with the high memory footprint, as
> the pickle method keeps the database in memory.

I believe that the "Exit and log off" option is Exchange specific. I don't
get that.
If no messages are trained, the database won't be dirty, and doesn't get
So, that's not the likely culprit.

> Would it be worth trying the DBM format for the database? I think
> this would give faster startup/shutdown times, and lower memory
> consumption, at the expense of on-disk database size and slower
> filtering (although I doubt that this difference would be an issue).
Slower *training* would be an issue, however.

> Unfortunately, the addin doesn't hook into the main code's persistence
> structure (as far as I can see) so switching formats isn't as simple
> as just changing the INI file. I'll look into it and give it a try at
> some point.
Brave guy. Me, I'm a coward.

There are old coders, and there are bold coders --  but there are no old,
bold coders.

-- Sean

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