[Spambayes] New web training interface for pop3proxy

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Tue Nov 19 13:30:42 2002

    >> * Given that the time to classify a message is pretty cheap, it would
    >> also be nice if your interface preset the radio buttons based on an
    >> initial classification of each message.  This suggests you need an
    >> 'unsure' radio button as well.

    Richie> I did think of that, then I thought that I was far more likely
    Richie> to make a mistake just scanning down the list thinking "yeah,
    Richie> yeah, yeah, looks ok" than actually having to click something
    Richie> for each message.

That suggests to me that you need to group messages together based upon
their initial classification.  That way, instead of a haphazard arrangement
of button settings:

they are clumped:

    D   H   S   U

perhaps with a <hr> between sections.  By clumping things together like this
I think it makes it easier to detect an outlier within the group.  (The
background color should probably alternate between light grey and white to
help direct the eyes from the subject to the proper radio button when
changes are needed.  I say this without ever having seen or used pop3proxy,
and can't recall from your mockup if you already do this or not.)

    Richie> I've been thinking that the next version of the web interface
    Richie> would work the same way - rather than a single page of untrained
    Richie> messages, you'd get three pages for ham-judged, spam-judged and
    Richie> unsure.

Sure, same idea.  A spam slipped through into my python mailbox yesterday.
Stood out like a sore thumb.

Skip Montanaro - skip@pobox.com

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