[Spambayes] Classify issue with pop3proxy

François Granger francois.granger@free.fr
Mon Nov 18 14:19:35 2002

If I cut&past a message in the box, it get classified. If I open it through
the [file...] button, it get the following result:

Spam probability: 0.52423052


*H*    0.58188342
*S*    0.63034446
x-mailer:none    0.21414650
content-type:text/plain    0.24312113
message-id:invalid    0.93478261

My guess is that this is a MacOS line ending issue. But this works for
training both way. The difference I see is line 774 in onTrain wich is not
in onClassify. I sugest adding it at line 793.

Tested here, it works.

>From this morning CVS in pop3proxy.py line 763 et sqq:

    def onTrain(self, params):
        """Train on an uploaded or pasted message."""
        # Upload or paste?  Spam or ham?
        message = params.get('file') or params.get('text')
        isSpam = (params['which'] == 'Train as Spam')

        # Append the message to a file, to make it easier to rebuild
        # the database later.   This is a temporary implementation -
        # it should keep a Corpus (from Tim Stone's forthcoming message
        # management module) to manage a cache of messages.  It needs
        # to keep them for the HTML retraining interface anyway.
        message = message.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') #<====
        if isSpam:
            f = open("_pop3proxyspam.mbox", "a")
            f = open("_pop3proxyham.mbox", "a")
        f.write("From pop3proxy@spambayes.org Sat Jan 31 00:00:00 2000\n")

        # Train on the message.
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(message)
        self.bayes.learn(tokens, isSpam, True)
        self.push("<p>OK. Return <a href='/'>Home</a> or train
        self.push(self.pageSection % ('Train another', self.train))

    def onClassify(self, params):
        """Classify an uploaded or pasted message."""
        message = params.get('file') or params.get('text')
        tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(message)               #<====
        prob, clues = self.bayes.spamprob(tokens, evidence=True)
        self.push("<p>Spam probability: <b>%.8f</b></p>" % prob)
        self.push("<table class='sectiontable' cellspacing='0'>")
        self.push("<tr><td class='sectionheading'>Clues:</td></tr>\n")
        self.push("<tr><td class='sectionbody'><table>")
        for w, p in clues:
            self.push("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%.8f</td></tr>\n" % (w, p))
        self.push("<p>Return <a href='/'>Home</a> or classify another:</p>")
        self.push(self.pageSection % ('Classify another', self.classify))

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