[Spambayes] hammie's dbm file has changed

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon Nov 18 06:15:25 2002

[Neale Pickett]
> Ah, I see SF is back up.  Thanks, Tim :)

You're welcome.  Feel emboldened, for my next act I'm thinking of making the
last digit of the calendar year change in, oh, about a month and a half.

> Ranieri, I can't find anything which would affect the pickling in the
> diff between revisions 1.29 and 1.39 of hammie.py.  Maybe a traceback
> from the pickle module will offer some more clues as to what's gone
> wrong.

It's got nothing to do with hammie -- Bayes changed from a new-style to an
old-style class to make Jeremy's ZODB life easier, and a pickle of an
old-style class instance can't be loaded after the class has changed in this

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