[Spambayes] updating email package

T. Alexander Popiel popiel@wolfskeep.com
Thu Nov 14 19:39:32 2002

In message:  <15827.55374.656571.993448@gargle.gargle.HOWL>
             barry@python.org (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:
>>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
>    TP> Yes, that's a big -1.  Barry intends to delete the email pkg
>    TP> from this project.
>I'm deleting it now.

Would you mind putting some basic instructions about manual
installation of the email package on the spambayes website
for the python-package-management-impaired among us?

(I tried looking at the mimelib.sf.net website, but it doesn't
explain how to get the package into the search path...)

- Alex

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