[Spambayes] Mail with problem

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Thu Nov 14 19:24:58 2002

[Francois Granger]
> The enclosed file contains a mail wich when received or trained throught
> pop3prowy give me the following error:
> (MacOS 9.1 24 Mo memory for Python 2.2.1)
> ...
> [HD:Dev:spambayes:tokenizer.py|tokenize_body|1254])

Looks like the regular expression engine runs out of (C) stack space while
trying to find HTML tags to strip.  I don't know enough about Macs to
suggest something specific, but in general you have to do whatever it takes
to convince he OS to give the program more stack space to work with.

Short of that, reducing the instances of "2048" in html_re in tokenizer.py
should make the problem go away, but since C stack space limits are
platform-specific, it's impossible to say how small "is safe" for you
without simply trying it over and over until the error goes away.

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