[Spambayes] updating email package

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Thu Nov 14 16:47:35 2002

[Sjoerd Mullender]
> Does anybody mind if I update the email package with the current
> verion from the Python CVS?

Yes, that's a big -1.  Barry intends to delete the email pkg from this
project.  It doesn't belong here.  People working w/ current CVS will then
get the latest without effort.  People using older versions of Python will
need to hammer out a scheme for installing the standalone email pkg, at


> I noticed that I received emails that can't be properly parsed by the
> version that's in spambayes (it raises an exception, resulting in the
> fallback behavior) but that can be parsed by the version in the Python
> CVS.

I believe it <wink>.

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