[Spambayes] FW: I finally found you!

Brian Fallik bfallik@attbi.com
Thu Nov 7 19:00:32 2002

I recently received this email message, which I believe is very clever SPAM.
In fact, it took me a few readings to actually figure it out (I admit I was
initially excited about JennyB).  I checked out the base URL without the
form data (http://www.5050dating.com) and became suspicious because it is a
dating service.  Then I performed a search for jenny on their site didn't
find any girls matching that name.  However I did find about 5 other guys,
all recently registered, who had posted comments about looking for Jenny B.

The message is very generic, except for the reference to college.  The
mistake is that I graduated from Cornell several years ago, and anyone who
knew me from high school would know that.  I've concluded that 5050 dating
got their information from my email address, which is pretty obvious.

My question to the group is: how would the Bayesian filter handle a message
like this, which can even trick humans?

I'm not a member of this list so please CC me on any replies.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny B [mailto:jenny14296@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:23 PM
To: baf11@cornell.edu
Subject: I finally found you!

Hey you, I haven't seen to you in sooooo long. I guess I was just a little
shy then and I don't remember if you would remember me. But I ran into some
of the guys we went to high school with and they said you were going to
Cornell now. Good for you.
Well, the reason I'm writing is because I've kinda always had a crush on
you. I wanted to see if there was any way I could get a second chance of
getting to know you better.
Anyway, a bunch of my girlfriends and I just got on 5050 Dating <--just
click on that to meet up. You've got to come up there. It is pretty wild &
there are a few things I've got to tell you. Who knows, maybe we'll hit it
off this time and next time you come in town we can get together and I can
show you a good time. I look forward to catching up. See ya soon!

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