[Spambayes] My first non-personal personal false positive

François Granger francois.granger@free.fr
Thu Nov 7 08:56:13 2002

on 7/11/02 3:16, Tim Peters at tim.one@comcast.net wrote:

> 'mediante', 'pagina', 'tiene', 'clic', 'muy', 'pero', 'saber', 'con', 'bien',
'eso', 'hola', 'que', 'aqu?', 'les', 'por'

Here are the most probable English equivalents of the Spanish words.
> 'using', 'page', 'have', 'click', 'much', 'but', 'know', 'with', 'good',
'this', 'Hi', 'that', 'here', 'the', 'for'

This illustrate he need for properly balanced training sets and re raise the
question of language discrimination. At least prior language discrimination
would allow for a different database for each language or for a systematic
"unsure" flag for not trained languages. If you put my messages in a Ham
training set, you will flag French spams as ham because of my French sig ;-)

All these words should rate around 0.5 since they are among the most common
ones in this language.

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se poser des questions sur les implications politiques des choix (ou non
choix) de leurs outils et technologies. Pour des courriers propres :
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