[Spambayes] deployment for mailman lists

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn@whidbey.com
Tue Nov 5 17:42:47 2002


While the membership functions are more powerful, and probably a real boon
to those with really large lists, spreading those functions over three
pages is clumsier for dealing with small lists like mine. The old
interface for clearing deferred posts had everything on one page, now you
need to jump to a second page. I see what bigger lists gain, and am not
particularly complaining.

The lists do not get "a lot" of spam, but because they are in folks
address books the address does get spread around. Also, some of the lists
here are definitely public. All of the lists here are unmoderated but
accept messages only from members. But spam and viruses do get submitted
and require manual intervention. Unfortunately, many of the posts that
require attention are "non member" submissions, most of which are valid. I
would welcome a way to eliminate the spam and virus entries and reduce the
number of trips to the admin interface.


Guido van Rossum wrote:

> > Although I find the 2.1b interface to be rather clumsier than 2.0.13
> > was,
> Please provide Barry with details!
> > I would certainly want the default to allow for moderation. About
> > half the lists I run are commercial, announcement lists for
> > employees. It's not that you risk missing an important message from
> > a potential employer, which should be barred, but from the current
> > employer, who is paying for the list.
> If they are closed for posting, you shouldn't need to turn on
> additional spam filtering anyway.  Even if they aren't, I would find
> it strange that such "internal" lists would get much spam -- if
> they're internal, why do their addresses appear on the web?
> --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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