[Spambayes] My first results with pop3proxy and smtpproxy

Piers Haken piersh@friskit.com
Mon Nov 4 20:12:20 2002

> > One other observation... my strong tendency *IS* to train 
> this thing 
> > only when it makes a mistake.
> That's a UI problem.  A good UI would deduce what's ham and 
> spam by watching what you do to your email, and train on a 
> random sampling of it.  The Outlook client may be the only 
> one making real progress in that direction so far.

The outlook plugin positively rocks in this respect. That's kinda why I
was suggesting taking the IMAP route since you'd easily (!?) be able to
correct classification errors using whichever IMAP-enabled client UI you
prefer(outlook, OE, mozilla, opera, the list goes on...) and it would
not be something new that users would have to learn.

As an aside: I've been using spambays with great success since we got
the outlook plugin to play nicely with exchange. As you probably know,
exchange is a centralized message store, and as such, you can have
multiple clients connected to the same store at the same time. I
generally have up to 3 copies of outlook running at any one time. Two at
work, one at home. I run spambayes at home. This morning, when I got to
work, I saw that SB had marked some ham as 'unsure', so I moved it back
into my inbox using an outlook client on a machine where SB was NOT
running. I then connected to my home machine (the one running SB) and
noticed that, even though I had moved the message on a different
machine, the SB plugin had noticed the move and retrained the database.
Very cool.


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