[Spambayes] counterweight: it really works!

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Mon Nov 4 16:32:23 2002

[Matt Sergeant, to Rob Hooft]
> Please don't compare to 4 months old SpamAssassin's. Upgrade if you want
> to compare. Thanks.

I expect Rob is typical of single-user SpamAssassin clients, though:  they
download it once, and watch it deteriorate.  I've seen many other reports of
that too.  That makes it a fine comparison for people "like that".  This
codebase doesn't need upgrading, but does need ongoing training on a user's
own email.  Given that, I dare say it appears to work at least as well for
spam detection as an up-to-date SA (can't say about my personal email, as I
don't run SA here; on python.org's list email, I know it works at least as
well, as we've run controlled tests on that -- but I don't know how often
GregW upgrades the SA running at python.org).