[spambayes-dev] Dev environment setup

Marko von Oppen marko at von-oppen.com
Fri Nov 17 12:40:21 EST 2023

Currently I'm not aware of the Spambayes status. I do not use external 
email providers but I'm hosting the complete mail infrastructure myself.

Over many years it worked nearly perfect for me. The main setup was 
Debian+Exim4+Procmail+Spamassassin+some own scripts+Spambayes. Together 
Spamassassin and Spambayes were nearly 100 percent effective.

This was broken when Spambayes fell out after Python 2 was removed by 
Debian and I did not want to let Python 2 on the system alone for Spambayes.

So currently I'm running Spamassassin alone but this by far not so good 
as the previous setup.

My question is: How far is Spambayes for Python 3? Some people reported 
a running port to Python 3 but it is not clear to me what exactly from 
Spambayes is running and how well it is doing.

Could there give somebody a overview about Spambayes on Python 3?

Thanks and best regards


Am 15.11.2023 um 18:16 schrieb Skip Montanaro:
> I've never done anything with Windows. Based on questions asked in the 
> SpamBayes-related mailing lists, it seems most usage these days does 
> come from Outlook users, who by-in-large aren't developers.
> Aside: Given that other email providers have implemented satisfactory 
> spam filters (Gmail, Thunderbird, even Yahoo!), it's always struck me 
> as odd that Microsoft hasn't seen fit to provide something for Outlook 
> users.
> Skip

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