[spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)

Erik M. Brown kirebrow at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 25 01:04:45 EDT 2022

Bravo Mark...LOL!

So I actually found my old HD with Windows XP and Outlook 2003 installed, and I'm booting from it, testing all of this.

Because I'm running Outlook 2003, the link you sent actually worked.  I changed it to the following:

    typelibs = [
        ('{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 9, 2),
        ('{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}', 0, 2, 2),
        ('{AC0714F2-3D04-11D1-AE7D-00A0C90F26F4}', 0, 1, 0),

When I ran setup_all.py this time, it appeared that all of the files were then in the build and distribution folders.  Next up was install Inno Setup from around that time, and I ran spambayes.iss.

So close, but no cigar because I got the following error:

Compiler Error
Line 125:
Column 13: - [Error] (37:13) Unknown identifier 'convert_db'

The code looks like this in the spambayes.iss file:

function ConvertDatabase () : Boolean;
   Result : =convert_db ;

Any ideas?

Take care,

Erik Brown

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hammond [mailto:skippy.hammond at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 12:03 AM
To: Erik M. Brown
Cc: spambayes-dev at python.org
Subject: Re: [spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)

It looks like that's telling you Outlook 2000 isn't installed, which is probably expected.

See also

But that's probably out of date too - you probably need to find the GUIDs in the registry editor under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib, or in Pythonwin's "com browser".

(Sadly I don't have office or outlook installed here, so can't tell you exactly what you need)


On 25/08/2022 1:48 pm, Erik M. Brown via spambayes-dev wrote:
> Thank you all for the quick replys!  So I'm not a dev, more of a power user, and I just added the python folder and script folder to the windows path.  I then ran it in a CMD prompt, python setup_all.py, and it actually found the resources it needed.   However, it ended up throwing a wild error:
> ImportError: No module named 00062FFF-0000-C000-000000000046x0x9x0
> LOL!  BTW Matthew, what do you mean by copy the files?  Do you mean the source files and you manually install the com addin?
> Please let me know what you mean. = )
> Take care,
> Erik Brown
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Dixon Cowles [mailto:matt at mondoinfo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 7:37 PM
> To: Erik M. Brown
> Cc: spambayes-dev at python.org
> Subject: Re: [spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named 
> spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)
> Eric,
>> Not sure if anyone is still reading this,
> I am. And I still use SpamBayes every day.
>> but I'm running into an error when attempting to run "setup_all.py", 
>> the py2exe setup script, I get the following:
>> ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of
>> setup_all.py)
> But I don't install it that way. I just copy the files.
>> I'm able to run Spambayes from these source files in Outlook and have 
>> the correct python version, pywin32, as well as py2exe.
> Here are a couple of things I'd check:
> Are you sure that you're using a version of Python that's contemporaneous with the packaging?
> You should be able to find the version of spambayes that setup_all.py is trying to use. Does it in fact have a directory called resources?
> Or is it possible that it's finding a directory called spambayes that's not what you want it to find?
> Regards,
> Matt
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