[spambayes-dev] Spambayes loses all spam when running on one Windows 10 system

Ian James ianjames48 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 13:17:54 EST 2015



I'm a long-time fan and user of SpamBayes - it's in use on all 3 of the
systems in my home, as an Outlook add-on (one XP Pro desktop,  a Win 10
desktop and a Win 10 laptop).  Works fine on the first 2, but on the laptop,
when it removes spam (either automatically or when I select an email and
click on "Spam") from the designated folders, it simply disappears. I have
checked the FAQ, particularly 3.9  How can I configure SpamBayes to delete
spam rather than moving it? Which says "Sorry, but you can't" (which tells
me that this is not a configurable option); and 3.12   Some of my mail is
going missing! Which says "The plug-in can not delete your mail". Well, I
can assure you (and I'm a former systems software programmer myself) that it
can!  It is nowhere to be found in any folder in Outlook (searching manually
or using Advanced search) and there are no Filters in use. Incidentally, it
worked OK on the laptop originally (under Windows 8.1) - the problem has
only occurred since I upgraded to Win 10. I have uninstalled and reinstalled
SB a couple of times - but the problem remains. Oddly, it does not happen on
the desktop, which was also upgraded to Win 10 (from Win 7) - and the
Outlook and Spambayes setups are (apparently) the same on both systems.


If there's any tests, investigations etc. I can run that may help you to
discover the reason for this problem, please do let me know.



Chartered Information Technology Practitioner 
Management, Commercial & Information Systems Consultancy

Charingworth, Leas Green, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 6HD
tel: +44 (0)20 8300 7584 mobile: +44 (0)7702 281092

skype: ianggjames
email :   <mailto:ian at ijames.co.uk> ian at ijames.co.uk

linkedin :  <http://uk.linkedin.com/in/ianggjames>




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