[spambayes-dev] FW: Desired Feature

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Feb 7 14:17:40 CET 2007

    Gene> One feature that may already exist but I cannot find is the
    Gene> following:

    Gene> I have a list of 20 or so people that I regularily receive email
    Gene> from.  Sometimes their email is identified as Spam regardless of
    Gene> the "training".
    Gene> Is there a way to create a list of email addresses that are always
    Gene> treated as "good" regardless of their spam score?  This is such an
    Gene> obvious request that I think that it may already exist but I am
    Gene> not able to find it.

This is already in the FAQ (question 6.6):


Short answer: If you really want whitelisting, add a filter to Outlook
that's run before SpamBayes scores those messages.


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