[spambayes-dev] An alternative to spambayes.el for those using Gnus

Ted Zlatanov tzz at lifelogs.com
Tue Nov 21 19:50:55 CET 2006

On 19 Nov 2006, f.rougon at free.fr wrote:

> Having just read it, I'm not sure the scheme implemented in spam.el fits
> well with the way I want to work with Spambayes. One of the reasons is
> that I do *not* want to train the filter on every article. To have an
> efficient Spambayes filter, experiments made by Spambayes users and
> developers have shown that it is often a good idea to only train the
> filter on its mistakes (after an initial training).

OK.  This *can* be the usage mode, but basically we leave it up to the
user, and it's a global choice.  Read on...

> [ Personally, I don't even train the filter on every mistake, because
> there are articles that I believe are too well-crafted spam: I fear
> I'll pollute my Spambayes database if I train on these articles. These
> are articles that mostly contain words that are part of my usual
> ham. ]
> Therefore, I wouldn't want the "spam and ham processors" to do anything
> when I exit a group. I want to carefully select which articles get to
> train the filter.

OK, then you don't want spam or ham groups, which are the only groups
where automatic action is taken.  Unclassified groups have the
behavior that only explicitly marked (by you) spam is processed by a

> As a consequence, the paragraph in the "Spam Package Introduction" node
> that reads:
> ,----
> | If the spam filter failed to mark a spam message, you can mark it
> | yourself, so that the message is processed as spam when you exit the
> | group:
> |
> | `M-d'
> | `M s x'
> | `S x'
> |      Mark current article as spam, showing it with the `$' mark
> |      (`gnus-summary-mark-as-spam').
> |
> | Similarly, you can unmark an article if it has been erroneously marked
> | as spam.  *Note Setting Marks::.
> `----
> would be misleading to users, because marking articles as ham or spam
> wouldn't make any difference in the absence of any action from the "spam
> and ham processors".

I'm not sure what you mean.  In any group, whatever articles are
marked as spam on exit, are processed as spam by the group's spam
backends.  Spam groups have some extra behavior here.  If the group is
unclassified (neither ham nor spam group) then no automatic spam
marking will be done, but the processing is always done.

> There's another thing in spam.el that doesn't seem to work the way I
> want:
> ,----
> | The second thing that the Spam package does when you exit a group is
> | to move ham articles out of spam groups, and spam articles out of ham
> | groups.  Ham in a spam group is moved to the group specified by the
> | variable `gnus-ham-process-destinations', or the group parameter
> | `ham-process-destination'.  Spam in a ham group is moved to the group
> | specified by the variable `gnus-spam-process-destinations', or the
> | group parameter `spam-process-destination'.
> `----
> This means that if, e.g., I had a ham that was classified as spam and I
> mark it as ham before leaving the group, then the article will be moved
> to the group specified by `gnus-ham-process-destinations'---regardless
> of the specific article.
> I prefer my way of doing that: if an article is misclassifed, there are
> two possibilities:
> - either I don't want to train the filter on the article (for
> instance, because several similar articles were misclassifed in a
> row and I already trained the filter on one of them). In this case,
> I usually simply use 'B m' to move the article manually to the right
> group.

OK.  This doesn't interfere with the spam.el processing.

> There is another possiblity that works well in the example I gave in
> the parenthesis: since the filter was trained on a similar article,
> you can expect it to classify the article correctly next time;
> therfore, you can call '(flo-spambayes-gnus-classify t)' in order
> to:
> 1. rerun the classifier on the article;
> 2. respool it afterwards (this is because of the "t" argument).
> The respooled article will eventually end up in the right group
> according to `nnmail-split-methods'.

We have a 'respool spam or ham destination which will do the
respooling you describe.  You can use it in addition to any spam
backends for that group.

> - or I use 'B s' (resp. 'B h') to tell the filter "Dude, this was
> spam!" (resp. "Dude, this was ham!"), i.e., I train the filter on
> the article. These key sequences, which are mapped to lambda
> expressions evaluating '(flo-spambayes-gnus-refile-as-spam t)' and
> '(flo-spambayes-gnus-refile-as-ham t)' respectively, do two things:
> 1. train the filter on the article;
> 2. respool it afterwards (this is because of the "t" argument).
> As a consequence, the article will (most probably) end up in the
> right group, according to `nnmail-split-methods'.
> [ I say "most probably", because it might be that the filter was so
> badly trained in the past that it still couldn't classify the
> article correctly the second time. This never happened to me, but
> I think it's possible. ]
> The key point here is that in either case, if the article was, e.g.,
> something for the ding mailing-list wrongly classified as spam when the
> incoming mail was split, it will end up directly in my "ding" group
> after the corrective actions I described, not in whichever group
> specified by `gnus-ham-process-destinations'.

I think you want immediate spam/ham processing and to see what
happened right away.  spam.el doesn't do that because it's very slow
for some filters, deferring the action to the time you exit the group
instead (batching all backend processing).  I think it could be done
for individual backends, or per group, though.

> Lastly, there's another thing I'm not sure about when reading the Info
> node:
> ,----
> | The Spam package divides Gnus groups into three categories: ham
> | groups, spam groups, and unclassified groups.
> `----
> What exactly do unclassified groups contain? With Spambayes, when you
> run an article through the classifer, it gets a spam score (between 0
> and 1) and a category depending on the spam score. There are three
> categories: ham, unsure and spam (from lowest score to highest score).
> "unsure" means the article got a score that is not low enough to be
> confident it's ham, and not high enough to be confident it's spam. But
> it surely doesn't mean the article wasn't _classifed_ (i.e., it did go
> through the classifier---whose output was "unsure"). That's why I'm not
> sure the "unclassified group" mentioned in the above sentence is
> well-suited for articles marked as "unsure" by Spambayes.

Spam groups: all unread messages are marked as spam when you enter.
Unclassified groups: no extra marking is done.
Ham groups: no extra marking is done.

All other differences are for summary exit processing.  So the type of
group has to do with marking and processing, and most of the work is
aimed at making sure that spam ends up in spam groups and processed by
a spam backend, and ham outside spam groups and processed by ham

> To rephrase it differently: you said a spam backend must provide a
> function that tells whether a message is ham or spam. But this is not
> suited to Spambayes, since there are 3 possible outcomes from the filter
> by default, not 2 (unless you tweak it to make the "unsure" score range
> vanish, but that would be silly in most cases).

Actually you can also return nil, which means "unsure" :)  In the
context of nnmail-split-methods that means "go to the next method."

spam.el tries to be very flexible, and the rules are aimed at making
the user's life easier.  If you think the docs or the workflow are
confusing, I'll be glad to take any suggestions you have.


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