[spambayes-dev] Patch for ocrad to run on Windows?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Aug 13 23:32:46 CEST 2006

> Mark Hammond and Sean True both said they had an ocrad.exe  
> executable built
> under cygwin.  (Hopefully it doesn't require cygwin runtime?)

AFAIK, it will require cygwin1.dll, unless a change is also made (it  
is in the attached patch) to compile with -mno-cygwin.  This seems to  
run fine on my machine, without any of the cygwin DLLs (they are  
installed, of course, but shouldn't be accessible outside of a Cygwin  

> Was the only
> change you made to the source the "std::fprintf" -> "fprintf"  
> replacement?

Two of these, plus the Makefile.in as above.

> Ocrad is GPL'd, so all we have to do to make it available is also  
> distribute
> the modified source.  If you can stick the .exe file somewhere and  
> let me
> know if there are any Windows version restrictions, I'll put  
> together the
> requisite modified Ocrad source distribution and place both the  
> distribution
> and the executable on the SpamBayes website for Windows users to  
> try out.

Patch is attached.  .exe is at:


I have no idea about Windows version restrictions.  My assumption  
would be it will run on any version from Win95 to WinXP (no idea  
about Vista).


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