[spambayes-dev] Default storage backend

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Oct 30 16:30:57 CET 2005

    Tony> Do those people using SpamBayes in the *nix world have two
    Tony> SpamBayes processes running at the same time?  I presume two
    Tony> reading processes would work fine with bsddb.

I don't, but we encounter people on the spambayes from time-to-time that
mistakenly try accessing their training databases from multiple processes.
I think most of the time they simply don't realize they are doing that.  I
don't know if ZODB's refusal to run in those cases would provide better
clues that they are doing something wrong than the current corrupt database
does.  At any rate, it would eliminate that particular cause of corruption.


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