[spambayes-dev] Re: Is building with Python 2.4 and not Python 2.3 a bugfix?

Tony Meyer ta-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Mar 23 02:14:53 CET 2005

> By the way, I've noticed SPAM that used to be classified as SPAM is
> now being DEFER'ed. I find this behaviour odd, since 85% of my
> e-mail is SPAM, and always has been.

By "DEFER'ed", do you mean that it's classified as unsure?  This could be
either new types of spam, or as a result of new training (e.g. a training
mistake, a growing imbalance).

The way to figure out why a message scores what it does is to look at the
clues for that message (there's a link on the review page).  If it's not
obvious why it scored what it did, then you can send a copy on to
spambayes at python.org and someone will comment on it.

It's possible that the problem can be fixed by adjusting your thresholds
(the defaults are fairly conservative).


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