[spambayes-dev] sb_mailsort.py status

Seth Goodman sethg at GoodmanAssociates.com
Tue Jan 11 02:41:17 CET 2005

> From: T. Alexander Popiel [mailto:popiel at wolfskeep.com]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 4:36 PM


> PS. No, I'm not willing to not have a secondary MX.  My primary does
>     crash occasionally, though (thankfully) not as much as it used to
>     before I replaced the motherboard.

If you can't clone your primary setup onto your secondary and you can't live
without a secondary, here's another possibility.  Only accept mail at the
secondary when the primary is down.  This should greatly limit the damage,
since your primary will rarely be down.  If you refuse a connection at your
secondary MX and they don't retry at your primary, you can be pretty sure it
wasn't real mail.


Seth Goodman

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