[spambayes-dev] Translation - HTML file

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jan 10 03:34:07 CET 2005

> here is the html file attached.

Great - thanks!  I've checked this in.

> I can translate the web site now. I've wgeted the web pages 
> but they seem to have been generated. Are the pages in the 
> cvs directory ? If not, where can I find them ?

Yes they are in CVS.  There is a "website" module that you can checkout
which has the source in it.  (They are .ht files, apart from the FAQ, which
is .txt).

There hasn't been a translation of the SpamBayes website before.  I guess
the translation can just be a mirror in a (eg) fr directory?  So something


And then have links to the translations on the main (English) page at

If that sounds like the right way to go, then I can make the necessary
adjustments to the scripts that generate the html and copy it to the live
site.  (Whatever happens, if you just provide the translations, then the
rest of us can figure out where to put them).

Thanks again for the contribution!


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