[spambayes-dev] Integrating SpamBayes with a Mail.app plugin

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Aug 1 08:09:32 CEST 2005

> An annoying problem of Mail.app is that there appears to be 
> no way to insert a header into a message already in Mail.app.
> So I can't do things like untrain_from_header().

It's pretty rare to be able to modify a message once it's already in the
mail client, whatever mail client you're using (without hacking into the
stored file(s)).

> It's infeasible to keep my own database to record what message has  
> been trained and what their verdicts are, since sooner or later I'll  
> run into scalability problem.

Just clean out the database occasionally (besides which, this takes almost
no space, and space is cheap).  sb_filter will move to using the messageinfo
database that the rest of SpamBayes uses at some point, FWIW.

> So for now I just assume*every* incoming email is brand new, so I  
> won't even do an untrain() on them. As to the case where users  
> explicitly ask to re-classify some emails (via Mail.app's contextual  
> menu item "Apply Rules"), I'll just do a filter() without train().
> And so far I haven't figured out an elegant way to let users 
> train SB in a batch mode. Any Mac dev out there - welcome to chime in. :-)

What do you mean by "batch mode"?  What exactly are you wanting users to be
able to do?


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